"I'm letting My Life Be My Ministry," So why don't you?

Monday, January 23, 2012

Online With A Purpose!

Pray before you begin. Submit your heart and time Online to the Lord. Allow Him to power you up before you power on. Focus on the agenda, and stay on a mission. Know why you serve. Listen carefully, there 's a lot of chatter, but among it are real people, in real need of truth that can save them. Understand there's a person behind every post. Don't judge or discriminate. Ask God to show you the person behind the post through the eye's of your father. Seek common ground and look for areas of common interest as an open door to building a meaningful relationship. Speak directly to individuals Online as led by God, and personally connect with them. Cultivate trust, and show up with a word frequently. Give grace with love right over their rough days. Give to others the same grace you've been given. Lead well and influence the thinking and development of others by pointing them to the heart of our Redeemer. This is what I try to do whenever I'm Online.  ~~~BAMM

Hard At Work

Hard At Work