"I'm letting My Life Be My Ministry," So why don't you?

Friday, June 15, 2012

Father Figure

If you could assemble the perfect father figure, what would we see?

No matter their age, all boys need affection. But male love looks different from female love. Male love is active and physical; it plays ball and roughhouses; it encourages with a slap on the back and defends when necessary.
Nothing builds a boy’s self-worth more than spending time with a man who enjoys his company. While sports and other activities are great, sometimes guys just need to hang out together.

Boys need clear boundaries. And while mothers can go a long way in socializing their sons, boys learn best how to be good disciplinarians when fathers demonstrate self-control.

Fathers instinctively know you have to keep male hands busy. Boys need someone who will get down in the dirt with them, teach them how to build things or change the oil in the car.

Dads are notorious for being silly and fun. Boys need someone to have burping contests with and to show them the lighter side of a male life.

One of the most significant things a father figure can model is the love for his wife or girlfriend. Boys need a man to show them what being a loving and committed husband or boyfriend really means.

You may not find all these qualities perfectly packaged in one man, but your son or daughter will reap the benefits from being with around people who exemplify traits of what you want him or her to learn. If there not already. These are things that I still wish I had growing up as a kid. Anyway Happy Fathers Day everyone~BAMM THE JOURNEY OF A MUSIC PRODUCER BECOMING A LEGEND.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Despite what people say about me. God made me to inspire myself and others. Let me be your motivation~BAMM "THE JOURNEY OF A MUSIC PRODUCER BECOMING A LEGEND."www.bammwashington.com

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"Thank you all for supporting me in my Journey."

People tell me that I should smile more often and that smiling makes you look younger, more attractive and that it will bring a smile to others. I'm working on becoming more comfortable with smiling and overcoming my nervousness with it. I haven't always had alot to smile about but it's a new season and I thank you family and friends for giving me new things in my life to "SMILE" about.


Friday, March 16, 2012

My Daily Prayers

Dear God, sometimes this world can be a puzzling place, filled with uncertainty and doubt. When I am unsure of my next step, keep me mindful that You are always near and that You can overcome any challenge. Give me faith, Father, and let me remember always that with Your love and power, I can live courageously and faithfully today and ever day. AMEN~BAMM.

Dear Lord, keep me mindful that material possessions cannot, bring me joy--my joy comes from You. I praise You, Father for Your gifts. Let me feel Your presence and share Your love with my facebook family and friends this day and forever. AMEN~BAMM.

Lord, You have blessed me with a love that is far beyond my limited understanding. You loved me before I was ever born; You sent Your Son Jesus to redeem me from my sins; You have given me the gift of eternal life. And, You have given me so many special talents; but I ask Father that you let me use those talents to the best of my ability and to the glory of Your kingdom so that I might be a good and faithful servant this day and forever. AMEN~BAMM.

Lord, You have been so generous with me; let me be generous with others. Help me to give generously of my time and my possessions as I care for those in need. And, make me a humble giver, Lord, so that all the glory and the praise might be Yours. AMEN~BAMM.

Dear Lord, I want so much to do be a great man of God. Heavenly Father, I seek to be Your faithful servant. When I am tired, give me strength. When I become frustrated, give me patience. When I lose sight of Your purpose for my life, give me a passion for my daily responsibilities, and when I have completed my work, let all the honor and glory be Yours. AMEN~BAMM.

Dear Lord, You search my heart and know me far better than I know myself. May I be Your worthy servant, and may I live according to Your commandments. Let me be a man of integrity, Lord, and let my words and deeds be a testimony to You, today and always. AMEN~BAMM.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Stay Focused!

These WORDS are for all who need a little reminder as to why you need to stay focused on your goals and why you need to make your own decisions...and most of all, the fact that no matter what you do, or who you hang out with, or what people think of you, YOU NEED TO REMEMBER WHAT YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE IS AND NEVER LOSE SIGHT OF IT------Your family, friends and work... are filled with doubters, distractors, and people who simply can’t see your vision. They tend to circle around you and distract your campaign. Don’t let them change your drive toward what you believe is right. Focus, march onward and rely on God's strength and not your own. Keep using God's words to keep sharping your focus, and watch how the distractions seem to just stop. Try it!!!~BAMM.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Curve Balls

Dear broken hearts, Stop complaining and feeling sorry for yourself. – Life’s curve balls are thrown for a season and only for a reason – to shift your path in a direction that is meant for you. You may not see or understand everything the moment it happens, and it may be tough. But reflect back on those negative curve balls thrown at you in the past. You’ll often see that eventually it's leading you to a better place, person, state of mind, or situation. So smile! and let everyone know that today you are a lot stronger than you were yesterday, and you will be just fine. I pray that God truly heals you from this day forth in JESUS name AMEN!~BAMM.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fear Not

Life is filled with circumstances that can incite fear in the most courageous of hearts. Learning to "fear not" is more than a matter of keeping a stiff upper lip or living in denial. You cannot control your circumstances, but you can choose your response to circumstances. It is a matter of trusting that God who loves you will never leave your side. You are to give your fears to God, to surrender to His tender mercies. Embrace the knowledge that He is in control and promises to bring good out of every circumstance~BAMM.


When God created each one of us, He gave of us free will. That means our lives are filled with choices. Some are almost inconsequential: paper or plastic? Others are life-altering: Whom will you marry? What career path will you follow? When you need to make a decision, ask God to show you the next step. Life often unfolds one at a time. Instead of rushing ahead like an impatient child, slow down and let God be your guide and show the way, one step at a time~BAMM.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Online With A Purpose!

Pray before you begin. Submit your heart and time Online to the Lord. Allow Him to power you up before you power on. Focus on the agenda, and stay on a mission. Know why you serve. Listen carefully, there 's a lot of chatter, but among it are real people, in real need of truth that can save them. Understand there's a person behind every post. Don't judge or discriminate. Ask God to show you the person behind the post through the eye's of your father. Seek common ground and look for areas of common interest as an open door to building a meaningful relationship. Speak directly to individuals Online as led by God, and personally connect with them. Cultivate trust, and show up with a word frequently. Give grace with love right over their rough days. Give to others the same grace you've been given. Lead well and influence the thinking and development of others by pointing them to the heart of our Redeemer. This is what I try to do whenever I'm Online.  ~~~BAMM

Hard At Work

Hard At Work